

PUTRAJAYA 25 February - The young people, especially artistes/celebrities are reminded to think ‘thousands of times’ before having a mixed marriage because studies have shown that the success rate is only 3:10.

Minister of Information, Arts and Heritage, Datuk Seri Dr. Rais Yatim, said scientific studies conducted by several members of sociology in this country between 1995 and 1998 found that in out of 10 mixed marriages, only three succeeded.

In fact, he said, failure is very significant when mixed marriages involving partners from those of White/Caucasian descent.

But “intermarriage in Malaysia involving the men and women who are non-Muslims who later converted to Islam to marry is very successful compared to those who marry foreigners from the west.

“This (mixed marriages) has become normal, so, young people especially artistes can take instructive example of this and if you want to scrutinize this study that comes with a guide, you can get from the civil registration of marriage records storage sharia in Johor and the Federal Territory, “he said to Utusan Malaysia today.

Rais was asked his opinion regarding the marriage problems of actress Maya Karin, 31, who reportedly does not stay with her husband anymore.

The beautiful actress who confirmed the matter said, her household problems with her husband, Steven David Shorthose or Muhammad Ali, 41, of Italy are their own mistakes because they do not realize the cultural differences factor when they were in love.

Refusing to directly comment on the matter faced by Maya Karin, Rais, an expert of the Federal Constitution and legislation, said that there are many challenges faced by mixed couples who seek to marry.

“The failure of marriage is caused by cultural differences, religion and how a person in raised by their respective countries”

“Most marriages are based more on “short term love”, and after a brief period, people will return to the culture and religion that they were born into, “he said.

In law terms is, Rais said that “a mixed marriage couple is expected to face quite serious problems if their marriage dissolves”

“It is not easy to get citizenship in Malaysia, the question here is that it is easier if it involves a woman marrying a Malaysian man than the other way around.”

“This is due to citizenship regulations in Section 16 and 17 of the Federal Constitution that the consideration is based on the patriachy (male), and not the matriachy (female). ”

He said “What is even more worrying about mixed marriages, especially if the couple has children involved, then the father will take the children back to England and Europe, and regarding this matter, a failed mixed-marriage, it is better if they don’t have children.”

このミニスターの発言についての記事 (the Starより)

なんと言ったらいいのだろう。surveyから見えることは相対的なことだから間違いとは言えないだろうけど、ここ まで言うのが国柄なのかなぁ。世界って時間的に近くなっていくとより自分の範囲が広くなる。そうすると今度は反対に広くなった身の回りを小さくしようとし ていくのかな?単純にしていくというか。。。

the EDGEという経済紙にもこの話題に関する対話(違ったルーツを持つ40代ぐらいの人同士の)があったけど、現在に比べると彼らの両親の時代のほうがより 寛大さのある社会だったみたい。彼らの子供たちの世代は厳しいようで、そういう家庭の場合、やはり子供たちはマレーシアを離れていくことが多いようだし。 それは、良く言えばチョイスがいくつかあるってことにもなるんだろうけど。
いつかおかあさんも話していたけど、彼女(1943年生)が育った時代 はご近所さんとは民族の違いなど関係なく付き合いがあったそうだし、彼女自身もミッションスクールへ通っていた。教会もマスジットも寺も近くにあってそれ が普通だった。今のおかあさんのお隣さんもマレー、チャイニーズ、オーストラリア、イスラム教、キリスト教、のミックス家族。でもね、これこそがマレーシ アの家族像なんじゃないか、とおかあさんは言うよ。

今、都会はけっこう地域によって住み分けがあるようにも思えるし(それは国の政策と民 族間の平均所得の差もあるんだろうけど)、若い世代ではますます各民族の文化を大切にするようになっていると思う(もちろん良い面悪い面あるさ)。マレー シア人としての文化というよりも。まぁ、外国人のはわたしが現在この事をきちんとわかっているわけじゃないけど。

自分の状況もまだ進行中 なことなのでどういう答えもないけど、外国人の立場としてこういう社会に属していくんだなと。
これから、どんなことが自分たちに起こるのかはわか らないけどもう少し新聞読んだほうがいいかなー、なんて。


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