The Taman Tun Dr Ismail (TTDI) Residents' Association (RA) and TTDI Market Traders Association are saying no to the demolition or relocation of the market. Instead, they want the 25-year-old complex upgraded.
The Taman Tun Dr Ismail (TTDI) Residents' Association (RA) and TTDI Market Traders Associationはマーケットの解体、移転については賛成していません。そのかわり、築25年の建物の改築を望んでいます。
TTDI Market

The TTDI market attracts shoppers from all over the Klang Valley. It is also notable for being among the cleanest wet markets in the city. Pic by Nurul Shafina Jemenon
The TTDI marketはクランバレーの広くからの買い物客に愛されています。そして、地域の中でもとりわけ清潔なウェットマーケットとしても知られています。
The associations also want a pedestrian bridge and a multi-storey car park built for the convenience of the shoppers and commuters, in line with the development of the Sungai Buloh-Kajang MRT station, near the Caltex petrol station.
The associationsは買い物客と今後建設されるthe Sungai Buloh-Kajang MRTの駅の利用者の利便性のために、歩道橋とマルチストリーの駐車場の建設を望んでいます。
TTDI Market Traders Association deputy chairman Mohd Zaini Zainal Abidin said they had heard two years ago that the market would be demolished to make way for development. It was only last month that it was confirmed that a development proposal had been submitted to City Hall.
"We want this market to be retained. Not a single one of us will agree to any new development here. We had stated so when there was a proposal for an MRT station here.
"Together with the TTDI RA, we will submit a proposal to City Hall for the construction of a pedestrian bridge to connect the market, and a multi-storey car park on the parking lot adjacent to the market. This way, it is a win-win situation for both market goers and those wanting to board the MRT "Building these could be a form of corporate social responsibility, and the connectivity could boost MRT ridership," he said.
TTDI Market Traders Association deputy chairman Mohd Zaini Zainal Abidinは開発のためにマーケットを解体するだろうということを2年前に聞いたと言います。その開発計画が役所へ提出されたのがわかったのがつい先月だということです。
「the TTDI RAと共に、私達はマーケットへつながる歩道橋と隣接するマルチストーリーの駐車場の建設計画を役所に提出するつもりです。この提案はマーケットの買い物客とMRTの利用客の双方にとって良いものです。これらの建物の建設は地域的な社会貢献のかたちとなるでしょうし、また、MRT駅へのアクセスの良さというのは利用客数の増加にもつながるはずです。」とTTDI Market Traders Association deputy chairman Mohd Zaini Zainal Abidinは言います。
Currently, the market has 150 parking bays catering for an average of 1,000 visitors daily from all over the Klang Valley.
The market, he added, was in dire need of upgrading. The areas needing attention are the public toilets and leaking pipes.
マーケット自体は早急な改築が必要で、特に公衆トイレや水漏れがしているパイプの部分は見過ごせないと、TTDI Market Traders Association deputy chairman Mohd Zaini Zainal Abidinは言い加えました。
The last enhancement work to take place was about five years ago, when the walls on the first floor were given a fresh coat of paint.
The market's traders were relocated here from the former Central Market in Jalan Hang Kasturi. TTDI Market Traders Association advisor Ramli Ismail said the market must be maintained for its sentimental value and history.
"We must think about how difficult it was for the traders to shift here back then, and how they have worked hard to make their business grow.
"It is not fair to them. We will be sad if this market ceases to exist here. Where would the shoppers, who have been coming here for so long, go?" he said.
マーケットにある店舗はJalan Hang Kasturiのセントラルマーケットから移転してきました。移転はしましたがマーケットが続いていくことで、そのセンチメンタルな思いや歴史が引き継がれていくべきだとTTDI Market Traders Association advisor Ramli Ismailは言います。
「マーケットで商売をしている人々にとってはひどい話ですし、私達だってこのマーケットがなくなってしまうととても悲しい。長年ここへ買い物に来ている人々だって、どこへ行けばいいというのでしょうか。」とTTDI Market Traders Association advisor Ramli Ismailは言います。
Also present were TTDI RA chairman Mohd Hatim Abdullah, TTDI Market Traders Association president Jenny Loo and Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng.
同席者にはTTDI RA chairman Mohd Hatim Abdullah, TTDI Market Traders Association president Jenny Loo and Segambut MP Lim Lip Engもいました。
Lim said he was informed of the proposal by a private developer to redevelop the land on which the market sits by Mayor Tan Sri Ahmad Fuad Ismail.
"However, he told me it has neither been approved nor rejected. He said the opinions of the traders would be taken into consideration before a decision was made. The views of residents should also be taken into account. I will support the majority's view," he said.
Segambut MP Lim Lip Engは現在マーケットのある土地の民間企業による再開発計画については、Mayor Tan Sri Ahmad Fuad Ismailより知らされたと言います。
「しかしながら、Mayor Tan Sri Ahmad Fuad Ismailは私にその計画案は承認も却下もされていないと言いました。そして、決定が成される前に各店舗の人々の意見も考慮されるだろうと言いました。また、住民の考えも考慮されるべきです。私はマーケットの存続を望むという意見を支持します。」とSegambut MP Lim Lip Engは言います。
Jenny Hong, who has sold soya bean milk and tau fu far at the market for as long as the market has stood, was unhappy about the proposal to demolish the market, which she said was a second home to her.
"I have formed a special bond with the residents and visitors. We have become friends after so long," she said.
マーケットができた頃から豆乳と豆腐花を販売しているJenny Hongは、マーケットは彼女にとって第2の家のようなものなので、マーケットの解体計画は悲しいと言います。
「私はお客さんや住民の人々と特別な関係を築いてきました。長いお付き合いの中で友達になってるのです。」とJenny Hongは言います。
Fishmonger Ng Kean Leong, whose grandfather started the business in Central Market back in 1987, said there was no need of re-development in the already high-density TTDI.
"More importantly, I cannot imagine not doing business here. My family was in Central Market and here for a very long time," said the 27-year-old.
魚屋を営むNg Kean Leongの祖父は1987年にセントラルマーケットで商売を始めました。Ng Kean Leongは既に住宅地としても密度の高いTTDIには再開発は必要ではないと言います。
「そんなことよりも、私はこの場所で商売ができないなど考えられません。私達家族はセントラルマーケットとこのマーケットで長い間ずっと商売をしてきたのです。」と27歳のNg Kean Leongは言います。
Lawyer M.Idris, who has lived in TTDI and shopped at the market since 1986, said: "This market needs to be upgraded, not moved. It is a meeting place for TTDI folk, and where families go to shop.
"It is nice and clean, and it caters for not only TTDI folk, but also Damansara Heights, Seri Hartamas and Kota Damansara folk."
「マーケットはきれいですし、いい場所です。TTDIの住民だけではなく、Damansara Heights、Sri Hartamas、Kota Damansaraなどのエリアの住民たちにも必要とされているのです。」